Mortgage Calculators

Mortgage Payoff Calculator

The Mortgage Payoff Calculator is a tool to help determine the payment required to shorten the life of your mortgage. While it will work with most any installment loan, short-term loans (such as car loans) will not benefit much from this analysis because the overall amount of interest on such loans is small. Depending on your circumstances, you may find that a small amount of additional principal paid each month (possibly as little at $20) can shave years off the life of your mortgage and save you tens of thousands in interest you would otherwise pay.

Relevant Questions/Comments:

Why Should I Pay Off My Mortgage Early?
How Does All This Work?
How Do I Play?

PLEASE!! Read This Before Acting!

Outstanding Balance ($)
Annual Percentage Rate (%)
Total Monthly Payment ($)
Fees Included in Monthly Payment ($). More info

Payment Increment ($)
Number of Increments

Mortgage Amortization Calculator

The Mortgage Amortization Calculator computes loan amortization tables.

Outstanding Balance ($)
Annual Percentage Rate (%)
Total Monthly Payment ($)
Fees Included in Monthly Payment ($). More info

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